Protect your investment

Parking Lots, Driveways,

Application of OverKote 
Surface Preparation:
All damaged asphalt concrete should be removed and replaced with hot asphalt concrete. All cracks 1/8 or larger musr be cleaned and filled to a level surface with OverKote Crackfiller. A "V" shaped squeegee is recommended for this application. New ASphalt concrete must be in place and cured as per A.S.M.A standard specifications.

All areas to be sealed should be thoroughly cleaned. Excessive oil spots should be removed with a scraper, stiff brush and detergent. OverKote Oil Spot Sealer should be applied to prepared oil spots.

Prior to the first application of OverKote in exceptionally hot , dampen the surface with water. Remove any excess water to leave the surface onli slightly damp.

keep out of reache of children.

Quantity of application:
Depending on the asphalthic surface, one or more applications should be applied at the rate of 25 to 35 gallons per 1,000 sq.ft. surface area. the surface should be smooth and uniform.
(Dilute approcimately 10-15% with wather.)

For excessively rough areas, add 2 to 3 lbs. of 30 mesh sand per gallon of OverKote Sealer. Additional sand may be added per custom specification request.

Application :
Spread immediately by ma e, sequeegee, stiff plastic 
bristle or soft-hair push broom. Spread from poured paellel lines by pulling material at an angle toward operator. Tools should be wet before using. Repeat as necessary to spread sealer uniformly, eliminating all laps and ridges. Apply 2nd coat as soon as first coat is dry

Material Specification
1. residue at 300-400 degrees F.,                    55-65
2. dehydration, 96 hours at 100 degrees F.    0.6 min
3. solubility of residue in C2HCL                     15-20
4. loss on ignition of insoluble residue %      16 max
5. cone penetration at 77 degrees F.,    dmm 400-700

Protect from freezing


[email protected]

Los Angeles California
